Tuesday, September 23, 2014

In honor of Falls first day...

:: RECIPE ::

This recipe is so easy! I used to be very intimidated by making squash soups, but I have found it doesn't have to be hard. This is one of my go to recipes. I've used it several times now. 

This time around I bought some homemade pumpkin bread from a local health store to go along with the soup... BEST decision ever! ;) 
 I toasted the bread with grape seed oil on it. 
The bread  was perfect for dipping in this soup. 

:: My recommendations/experience with this recipe:: 
  • You don't have to use butter for cooking the onions - I use coconut oil. 
  • I ended up cooking my squash about 15 mins longer than the recommended time.
  • HIGHLY recommend slowly adding in the broth as you blend, in order to achieve desired consistency. I've made the mistake and used the suggested amount and it made my soup more runny than I would have liked. 
  • This recipe calls for acorn squash too, but I've never personally used acorn squash with this recipe. To compensate - I select a LARGE butternut squash. 
  • Slowly add sugar in order to achieve desired taste. I usually end up using LESS than the recipe calls for, but Kevin would use MORE if it was his call. ;P Everyone's different. 
  • Recipe calls for cinnamon, and this time I didn't have any so I used Pumpkin spice and it worked well!
  • I garnish mine with avocado. 
  • It's also good garnished with a dollop on sour cream or plain yogurt added. 
  • OH! and don't forget to save your butternut squash seeds! You can bake them and eat them for a snack! 

Almost forgot to mention that I've been adding 5-6 drops of Lemon Essential Oil to my water. 
So good and refreshing! 
I've also been putting the Lemon oil on my feet. It's supposed to help/prevent dry feet. I'm a runner and my feet get so bet up from it, so I'm excited to see how this helps and it has so far. I can tell it's healing them! I took a "BEFORE" picture and after I've used it consistently for a few days I'll take a "PROGRESS" picture and I'll post about it. 

For now, here are some Lemon Oil tips that can be helpful if you do use Essential Oils ::


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