Sunday, September 8, 2013

Abram David :: 2 & 3 MONTHS

*Since I skipped posting Abe's 2 month update, I'm posting it with his 3 month one.

(his hair is much lighter in person. The 3m pic makes it look dark)

Our sweet boy is such a joy.
He has really taken to smiling a lot. He can get laughing pretty hard too, but not as much as smiling. 
He does this big open mouth smile that sure does make me happy. 
He's getting big so quick. It's crazy how much they grow before your eyes and you don't even realize it until you are looking back at previous pictures. 
We LOVE watching Abram develop. It is such a blessing. 
At 3 months he started copying us when we would stick our tongues out at him. Too cute!

Abe loves sleeping. Although, we've had some night time sleep regression, but it's gotten better. 
It's not so much that he's not sleeping, it's more so where he wants to sleep isn't conducive to mommy getting sleep. ;)

His sleep schedule has gotten more and more predictable. He's a cat napper.
He's usually awake an hour, then sleeps an hour, awake an hour, and sleeps an hour,
but has a long nap midday.
He likes napping in his swing, but he loves napping with his mama.
I rock him to sleep every night, and I love it.

We call Abram "Munch" & "Munchie" a lot. 
He's also begun observing his toys a lot more. 
It's the cutest thing to see him try and reach for a toy. He can't quite control his hands, and he usually goes cross-eyed doing it because he's concentrating so hard. Be still my heart!

He's always scrunching his toes (as you can see above). 
People often comment saying that he has such big eyes. I love that, because I dreamed of having a baby with big eyes. People more so say he looks like Kevin, but their are a few that think he looks like me. They usually say he has my eyes. I'll take it! 

Apart from being too tired or hungry, Abe is generally a happy baby ;)

Munch has big feet! His feet are too big for most of his footy PJ's. 
He's currently in 0-3 month clothes. 
It's hit or miss with him liking the carseat. Unfortunately he usually doesn't like it. 

:: AS FOR ME  ::
I'm starting get into a mommy groove more and more. 
It's tough going from adult interaction all day to NOT. 
The more predictable Abe has become, the easier it is for me to add "adult" things to my weekly schedule.  I didn't think being a stay at home mom would be such an adjustment, but it has been!
Although it has, I wouldn't trade it. I am SO VERY thankful I get the oppurtunity to stay home and raise my babe. I know I am priviledged to be able to and I don't want to take it for granted.

:: Pictures leading up to 3 months ::
*Picture overload*

My sweet boy had to have his tongue clipped twice. :( 
The second time was the worst day ever being a parent. 

Abe - meeting Uncle Shnikes for the first time.

 Hanging with Grandpa.
On a flight to Michigan

 Grandpa - the baby whisperer

 Ha, LOVE his belly. :)

 Grandma and great grandma Stryjak.

 Uncly Ty loves his lil nephew.
 Cousin Sean
 Grandma! Chaney granny she says.

 My siblings.
 Great uncle Steve. :)
Uncle Tyle & Aunt Maddy

 When Abe's in a bad mood, sometimes stripping him naked puts him in a good mood. ;)

 Tummy time like a boss.

 I love his face.

 Only a mother can think her baby is cute even when he cries. ;)

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